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2022 September Virtual Dinner & Learn

안녕하세요 KASBP-Boston 지부 회원 여러분, 

2022년 9월 온라인 디너앤런 세미나가 9월 21일 수요일 저녁 8시에 열립니다. 

  • 토픽: From Yeast to Neurons to Patients: Learnings from co-founding a start-up company

  • 연사: 정지연 박사님 (Chee Yeun Chung, PhD,  Arbor Biotechnologies)

    초록: Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease are becoming a public health crisis due to an increase in aging population and the absence of preventative or disease-modifying treatment. Misfolding of specific proteins is thought to trigger a cascade of pathological events in these diseases, causing progressive degeneration of neurons in the brain. Yumanity’s new approach to cure these diseases focuses on rectifying the cellular defects caused by these misfolded proteins. Two highly distinct and complementary cellular model systems are used to drive the drug-discovery process: simple yeast cells, and complex patient-derived neurons derived with reprogramming technology. Yeast is a genetically tractable organism that are amenable to ultra high-throughput screening, whereas neurons from patients bring much-needed human disease-relevance to the process. Using this approach, stearoyl CoA desaturase (SCD) is identified as a target for Parkinson’s disease and related disorders. A small molecule SCD inhibitor, YTX-7739 is developed as a lead clinical candidate. YTX-7739 was safe and well tolerated in Phase 1b multiple ascending dose trial.

  • 일시: 9월 21일 수요일 8:00 - 9:30 PM (미국 동부시간)

  • 등록: 사전 등록 없이 아래 Zoom meeting link를 통해 참여하시면 됩니다.


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